Hello Everyone!
On Monday, our students track back in to begin the second quarter of the 16-17 school year. Teachers went back this past Wednesday for an off-calendar (paid) collaborative planning day then 2 regular word days on Thursday and Friday. Our team really got a lot done on our planning day! We planned out 2 math units and 1 reading unit to get us started. For my daily math lesson plans, I visited
I like using interactive notebooks in my class and needed things to go along with the math unit. I don't have the time right now to be thinking up everything myself, and anyway, why re-create the wheel? I found an excellent companion to the multiplication and division math workshop unit at the
Once I have taught the multiplication strategies, I want my students to have opportunities to practice memorizing their facts. I developed several games and activities to put in my "Fact Fluency" math station. You can find these activities at my
Full Moons & Friday Afternoons TPT store.
"Multiply Your Fortune!" is a set of "fortune tellers" or "cootie catchers" for each set of facts. This type of activity was such a big hit with my students for learning geometry terms, I thought I'd give it a shot for multiplication facts.
Click HERE to get to the SALE!
Our school had professional development this morning on Project Based Learning.
I would love to get feedback from anyone who has developed and/or taught any PBL units at the elementary level. What do you like about it? What do you dislike about it? What is the most challenging part about PBL? Please leave feedback in my comments.
Happy Teaching!